Nordic and European Power Market Review: February, Weeks 4
In the fourth week of February (February 19th to 25th), the main European electricity market experienced a downward trend, despite showing signs of slight recovery towards the end of the week. Specifically, average prices were lower than those of the preceding weeks in February, according to Aleasoft Energy Forecasting.
Notably, the MIBEL market had the most substantial drop of 54%, with prices plummeting by 54%. In contrast, the IPEX of Italy and the N2EX of the United Kingdom showed small declines of 7.6% and 8.2 each. The EPEX SPOT Market in Belgium and France both saw declines of 13%, while the Nordpool market, encompassing Nordic countries, recorded a 17% of drop.
These declines in the power market during the 4th week of February can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there was a decrease in the average price of gas and the CO2 emission rights. Secondly, there was an increase in wind energy production. Moreover, for the German and Iberian markets, the increase in solar energy production also played a role in the price drop.
Due to the decline in power market prices, Statkraft reported a 51% decrease in its fourth-quarter operating profit. This decline mainly happened due to the lower electricity prices and reduced hedging gains. It's worth noting that the decrease in electricity prices can be partly explained by the fact that the gas prices are no longer at crisis-like levels compared to the 2022 spikes caused by the loss of Russian gas supply to European gas markets. However, the prices are still higher than the price before the 2022 spikes.
AleaSoft Energy Forecasting. (n.d.). Energy Price Forecasting. Retrieved from (2024, February). Norway's Statkraft Q4 earnings fall on lower power prices. Retrieved from (2024, February). Norway's Statkraft Q4 earnings fall on lower power prices. Retrieved from
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